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Section 31 - Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act, 2021
The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act, 2021
31. Rights of child born through assisted reproductive technology. -
(1) The child born through assisted reproductive technology shall be deemed to be a biological child of the commissioning couple and the said child shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges available to a natural child only from the commissioning couple under any law for the time being in force.
(2) A donor shall relinquish all parental rights over the child or children which may be born from his or her gamete.
Related Sections
- Section 30: Research on human gametes and embryos
- Section 19: Appeal
- Section 24: Duties of assisted reproductive technology clinics using human gametes and embryos
- Section 18: Suspension or cancellation of registration
- Section 38: Power of Central Government to issue directions to National Board, National Registry and appropriate authority
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* Only for reference.