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Dam Safety Act, 2021
Chapter I: Preliminary
Chapter II: National Committee on Dam Safety
Chapter III: National Dam Safety Authority
Chapter IV: State Committee on Dam Safety
Chapter V: State Dam Safety Organisation
Chapter VI: Duties and Functioning in Relation to Dam Safety
- Section 16: Surveillance and inspection
- Section 17: Vulnerability and hazard classification of dams
- Section 18: Maintenance of log books
- Section 19: Records of dam failures and dam incidents
- Section 20: Instructions on safety of specified dams
- Section 21: Funds for maintenance and repairs
- Section 22: Technical documentation
- Section 23: Qualifications and experience of individuals responsible for safety of specified dams
- Section 24: Jurisdiction of State Dam Safety Organisation and Authority
- Section 25: Cost of investigation
- Section 26: Construction or alteration of dams
- Section 27: Initial filling of reservoirs
- Section 28: Operation and maintenance
- Section 29: Responsibility of owner of specified dam
Chapter VII: Safety, Inspection and Data Collection
Chapter VIII: Emegency Action Plan and Disaster Management
Chapter IX: Comprehensive Dam Safety Evalution
Chapter X: Offences and Penalties
Chapter XI: Miscellaneous
- Section 45: Annual report of safety status of specified dam
- Section 46: Safety measures in respect of dams other than specified dams
- Section 47: Safety measures in respect of dams located outside territory of India
- Section 48: Act to have overriding effect
- Section 49: Power to amend Schedules
- Section 50: Power of Central Government to give directions
- Section 51: Vacancies, etc., not to invalidate proceedings of National Committee on Dam Safety Authority and State Committee on Dam Safety
- Section 52: Power of Central Government to make rules
- Section 53: Power of State Government to make rules
- Section 54: Power to make regulations by Authority
- Section 55: Rules and regulations to be laid before Parliament
- Section 56: Power to remove difficulties
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Dam Safety Act, 2021
Act Information
# Chapters: 11
# Sections: 56
* Only for reference.
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