Section 73 - Mental Healthcare Act, 2017



73. Constitution of Mental Health Review Boards.-

(1) The State Authority shall, by notification, constitute Boards to be called the Mental Health Review Boards, for the purposes of this Act.

(2) The requisite number, location and the jurisdiction of the Boards shall be specified by the State Authority in consultation with the State Governments concerned.

(3) The constitution of the Boards by the State Authority for a district or group of districts in a State under this section shall be such as may be prescribed by the Central Government.

(4) While making rules under sub-section (3), the Central Government shall have regard to the following, namely:-

(a) the expected or actual workload of the Board in the State in which such Board is to be constituted;

(b) number of mental health establishments existing in the State;

(c) the number of persons with mental illness;

(d) population in the district in which the Board is to be constituted;

(e) geographical and climatic conditions of the district in which the Board is to be constituted.