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Section 137 - Indian Evidence Act, 1872
Indian Evidence Act, 1872
137. Examination in chief
The examination of a witness by the party who calls him shall be called his examination in-chief.
Cross-examination- The examination of a witness by the adverse party shall be called his cross-examination.
Re-examination- The examination of a witness, subsequent to the cross-examination by the party who called him, shall be called his re-examination.
Related Sections
- Section 163: Giving, as evidence, of document called for and produced on notice
- Section 31: Admission not conclusive proof, but may estop
- Section 120: Parties to civil suit, and their wives or husbands, Husbands or wife of person under criminal trial
- Section 109: Burden of proof as to relationship in the cases of partners, landlord and tenant, principal and agent
- Section 65: Cases in which secondary evidence relating to documents may be given
Related Acts
* Only for reference.